Jul 14, 2023Self-AwarenessSpiritually Out of The OfficeAs leaders, sometimes we just feel spiritually out of the office. It’s important to recognize how we are feeling and take steps to re-charge
May 3, 2023Self-AwarenessLeadership Regret and Self-CompassionOver the last few years, I’ve realized (and researched) the power of belonging at work. I regret leaving the sense of community and having..
Mar 4, 2023Learning and GrowthTop 10 Training PitfallsIf you have been in training for a while, you know that sometimes people think training is the silver bullet that will cure everything.
Feb 1, 2023Emotional IntelligenceConstructive vs Destructive ConflictConflict must be done right. Destructive conflict leads to missed opportunities, lower productivity, and even a toxic workplace.
Dec 11, 2022Self-AwarenessBias and LeadershipDid you know there are over 100 recognized cognitive biases? Depending on the source you look at there are over 180!
Oct 8, 2022Workplace CultureTrain to RetainWhen looking at training as a retention strategy, there are three main things to consider – The Welcome, The Leadership, and The Maintenance
Sep 24, 2022Workplace CultureWe Can't Hire Our Way Out...According to research, high belonging can lead to a 56% increase in job performance, a 50% reduction in turnover risk, a 167% increase...